Brocade Tier II Data Center Upgrade

Size: 4,000 SF


Start: December 2008

Completed: July 2009

Contract Price: 

Initial: $1,731,991

Change Orders: $226,557

Final: $1,985,548

Delivery Method:




Efrain Garcia (408) 333-7712

[email protected]

Design Team:


Burkett Design 

Peter Carlson (303) 595-4500


RMH Group – Mechanical

Phil Kocher (303) 239-0909

RMH Group – Electrical 

Eric Bunce (303) 239-0909


Project Description:

The project objective was to integrate an additional 2MW, diesel generator; new transfer switches, a new 300KVA, upgrade and service an existing 225KVA UPS. Within a 4000 sqft, operational data center, upgrade the existing wet system fire sprinkler system into a drypipe, pre-action sprinkler system and add a new clean agent fire suppression system. Add a redundant B side power source for the server racks with in the DC. All new systems to be incorporated into the exist EPO system.

Project Challenges:

The existing DC was a mission critical element to Brocadeʼs business. It needed to remain operational during the entirety of all prepatory work. This required the installation of extensive protection and scaffolding will allowing all equipment to function without compromise to either power or thermal conditions. Other complicating factors were the generators, transfer switches, and main power distribution for the building were all located at the opposite end of the building. This meant very large conduit had to be routed above other occupied areas. Equipment screening and sound control was required for the new generator installation. Close coordination with the utility was required to assure they would be on site at during the shutdown to simulate a utility failure. This simulation was required to insure all testing and testing sequences were proved out and deemed reliable.

Cost Control Strategies:

Beyond the selection of Sun (CM/GC) the balance of the work was competitively bid, despite there being 5 distinct phases to the drawing package. While there were changes due to the fast track nature and the complexity, those changes were accommodated within our GMP with the exception of the items specifically indicated.

Design Strategies:

Sun Construction worked very closely with the owner’s team and its design team.  They allowed all stakeholders to freely collaborate and embrace the challenges of the project.  There were integration, fitment, and technical challenges.  Our approach utilizing a war room strategy, allowed for easy access to various expertise needed to successfully implement the project.